Monthly Revenue

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Monthly Revenue
  • 01

    2024 Monthly Revenue

    Unit: NT$ thousand
    Month Net Sales (2024) Net Sales (2023) YoY (Change) YoY (%)
    1 195,930 189,059 6,871 3.63%
    2 158,268 200,498 -42,230 -21.06%
    3 193,959 223,572 -29,613 -13.25%
    4 218,286 204,602 13,684 6.69%
    5 210,151 198,962 11,189 5.62%
    6 208,691 195,313 13,378 6.85%
    7 225,941 189,885 36,056 18.99%
    8 217,283 209,327 7,956 3.80%
    9 226,539 222,176 4,363 1.96%
    10 204,480 196,878 7,602 3.86%
    11 215,068 188,227 26,841 14.26%
    12 201,938 176,926 25,012 14.14%
    Total 2,476,536 2,395,414 81,122 3.39%
  • 01

    2023 Monthly Revenue

    Unit: NT$ thousand
    Month Net Sales (2024) Net Sales (2023) YoY (Change) YoY (%)
    1 189,059 221,867 -32,808 -14.79%
    2 200,498 195,568 4,930 2.52%
    3 223,572 221,243 2,329 1.05%
    4 204,602 178,302 26,300 14.75%
    5 198,962 233,171 -34,209 -14.67%
    6 195,313 236,035 -40,722 -17.25%
    7 189,885 294,711 -104,826 -35.57%
    8 209,327 272,572 -63,245 -23.20%
    9 222,176 251,999 -29,823 -11.83%
    10 196,878 231,042 -34,164 -14.79%
    11 188,227 242,421 -54,194 -22.36%
    12 176,926 209,816 -32,890 -15.68%
    Total 2,395,414 2,788,995 -393,581 -14.11%
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    2022 Monthly Revenue

    Unit: NT$ thousand
    Month Net Sales (2024) Net Sales (2023) YoY (Change) YoY (%)
    1 221,867 189,167 32,700 17.29%
    2 195,568 164,493 31,075 18.89%
    3 221,243 191,701 29,542 15.41%
    4 178,302 217,454 -39,152 -18.00%
    5 233,171 212,324 20,847 9.82%
    6 236,035 205,780 30,255 14.70%
    7 294,711 244,200 50,511 20.68%
    8 272,572 238,023 34,549 14.51%
    9 251,999 217,328 34,671 15.95%
    10 231,042 195,813 35,229 17.99%
    11 242,421 217,887 24,534 11.26%
    12 209,816 210,163 -347 -0.17%
    Total 2,788,995 2,504,334 284,661 11.37%

If you have any questions related to investor relations,

we warmly welcome you to contact us.


Special Assistant to the Chairman's TSAI, CHENG-HUNG

TEL:+886-7-2695166 #308

Deputy Spokesperson

Finance Department Manager WANG, SHU-CHEN

TEL:+886-7-2695166 #130

Stock Affairs Agent

Agency: Stock Affairs Agency Department, CTBC Bank Co., Ltd.


Address:5F., No. 83, Sec. 1, Chongqing S. Rd., Zhong Dist., Taipei City 100, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

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